These pictures are awesome because the statue is of a Mom with her child. The boys took us to the park and we were able to get these photos. It reminds me of my willows at home and how awesome it is to be their Mama!
Hanging out ~ OUT!!!
The day started well, it was just one of those that you know before you leave that it is going to be cold and you are just hopeful that the wind is behind you. We were thankful that at least going to the orphanage it was for the most part! We both commented that we will look like we have been to the beach for the wind burn. We got on the mootro and had a moment of praise that we were not stuck standing on the green line we all got to sit. On the red line however we were all back up and at em, standing the 20 minutes that it takes to get out to the metro stop.
Yesterday was just a cruddy travel day out to the orphanage. By the time we got to off the metro and were getting ready to catch the bus to the orphanage I was exhausted. The bus was full and it was get on if you want to stand time. We decided we didn’t want to do that we would just get on the next one. So we got on the one behind it and we were going to wait. The lady argued with me about taking the bus. She showed me a clock and basically told me the bus ahead would leave sooner and we should go get on that one. She said it would be six more minutes before the bus we were on would leave. How do you say “look dude, I don’t care if I have to wait six minutes if I can sit down with my husband instead of get smooshed and stomped on like I just have been the last 40 minutes we were standing on that Mootro?” Basically I said with a smile “thank you it is good” and sat my happy fanny right on down in the seat with Mark having put our money in the drivers hand and there by transaction was over regardless of her opinion of our choice. Do I know she was trying to help? Of course I did. Could I make my own case however? No. I do not think that was one of the winning friends and influencing people moments of my life.
Back to today. Off the mootro, on to the bus, out to the orphanage… John is waiting, this is a first, no Kevin… Hummmm. So as not to waste time we go out side and we hang out a while, we share some gloves with the kids who did not have any (ours included) and of course shortly there after a snowball fight in sued. There is more to this story including a not very happy guard we will save it for late ;) needless to say we moved our snow ball fight else where. The boys were totally board and we hated this, John tells Kevin, go ask if we can walk outside the walls if we are back by five. So Kevin the dutiful little brother does so and we get permission to spring the kids! FREEDOM. “Mommy walk” John says and we walked. We had a great time! We went to a park. We went to the store, Kevin had a full conversation with the clerk about being adopted and going to America and how I was his Mom and his Dad was with his brother, but we have another brother and sister and Mom and Dad are going to get them. She was so awesome she listened to the whole thing, asked questions, encouraged him, told him it was going to be great and how lucky he is and it was a blessing to have a family. We are blessed we have them!
So we get tomorrow with them and we get to take them to “Caravan” some place where there are games and such and then we have to take them back before we catch the train at 8 to Zap. I know we have said it before, but unless we get a chance tomorrow before we get the train this is it for a while from us. Just know that Monday we meet with the inspector, then the director of the orphanage in Novahnickoliveka and then FINALLY we get to see A&M! We are very excited for this though the thought of being away from the boys is not high on our list. They are in good spirits about it thought and are ready for us to go and get things done so we can all get on with it. So are we. We love you and miss you and we are thankful for your prayers. We would not be this far with out them, please do not stop now!!!!
Please pray for rest on the train since we will have to hit the ground running on Monday with lots of meetings. Please pray for wisdom about when Mark should or if Mark should return quickly to Kiev or wait if we are going to get a court date quickly in Zap. We are praying that we can get a fast date there and that the papers will get submitted here soon so we can get a date here and move this tribe closer to the finish line! Court = 10 day wait + the final processing of paperwork and immigration so basically once we have had the second court we are looking at 10 days plus I think likely another 7-8 days if all goes well to get things done. Just please keep praying!
Much love to you all. Praying with and for you and yours too.
PS… & Lost was awesome, and Lori rocks for getting me the hook up, and Melissa you are great for keeping me hooked up! Thanks!
It is so wonderful to be able to follow down this path with you. I am continuing to pray. I love the life lessons that you and Mark are finding in this whole process. It is a great reminder to me to get with my Father. This is an awsome journey, and I am glad to follow it and see how this is working out. God is so Good!!! It's the little things sometimes that mean the most and God knew that ahead of time. I am in awe as I read and look at the pictures, watching everything unfold according to His plan. Be careful as you travel.
Love, Michelle
GREAT head gear you are wearing Mark!!!!! Great promo for Student Life. (: We love reading your blog and keeping are great! Wow...can't wait to continue the journey and know that we are all praying so much! We love you guys...Please tell all that Mama Valerie says hello and I love them all very much!!!!! Love, The Halls
I hope that yall are having fun in the freezing cold weather. Because I am just fine down here were it goes back and forth between hot and a little chilly.
Love yall
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