Monday, January 21, 2008

Special Young Men!


BKE said...

I am so glad everything is going well so far. We are praying for you guys! Thanks for posting the pictures of the boys too! Love you! Brandi and Shane

Church Family said...

WOW!!!!! I saw that your appointment is at 3:00pm, or should I say 6:00am(home time) I will even set my alarm clock to make sure that I am up and praying at that time. Loved the blog! Much better than getting a daily soap opera fix, and much more uplifting and interesting!! Ok, I'll quite hogging blog space (for now)!!! Kids in the youth are doing good. There was a visitor for sunday school, she had been one other time before. Powerhouse tonight!! We are praying for ya'll!!
Love ya'll

Church Family said...

I had the times wrong!! oops! Sorry

Anonymous said...

i am so excited yall are finally there!! please tell all of the kids that i love them and miss them soooo much!

teri said...

I am so excited and have been praying all weekned that things go according to "plan". Isn't it trippy to know that it's all planned out? John and Kevin, I like! Now I can really get specific in my prayers! :) Can't wait to follow your journey tomorrow.Love you both and "ALL"! Blessings, Teri.