Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lights Camera Action!

Ok, so here is what NOT to do at 9:45pm before you leave to adopt your kids at 5 am...

Do NOT try to put together one of those over the toilet storage deals... you know the kind that you feel like are going to be great because they will hold the extra towels that you need with five kids on the way... because it just so happens with Murphy's Law in place that you will surely get the box with only a picture on the outside and NO directions inside... and not that it is rocket science but of course it will be kind of worse than staying up on Christmas Eve to assemble a bike or something... and you will be laughing your fool head off inside at your poor spouse because you are like, Dude... just forget it already... but you know you really can't say that. ROFL.

We got a phone call from Suzette Davies last night. It turned out to be the coolest reality check for us. She was asking us about helping get a phone card for V. We were like sure no problem we would do that, but how will we connect with him. She says, "well he knows you are coming. When I was talking to him today I said there was a couple coming that might could help and he was like 'Oh O's parents?' " Now... I want you to know how that hit our ears...

"O's Parents"

Not only the fact that O knows we are coming... but that we are his "parents." I am sure I didn't hardly hear another thing Suzette said with as much clarity (sorry Suzette!!!! I really was trying to focus my full attention). In our hearts we were so excited. Our SON not only knows we are on our way... but he is telling others that he knows and believes that we are going to come for him. That hit me like nothing else I have ever known. What a joy that he trusts in our yet unseen face and only a limited knowledge so far of our character. Still there he is telling his friends, my parents are coming for me. Willing to come with us to a place he has not seen, and does not really know yet...

Now... if it is that cool for us, and I have been reminded over and over today that I am just dust that breaths, can you just place yourself in The Father's shoes for a minute... He loves us so much. He is so proud of us... He is so over joyed when we are sure and have faith in Him that He is and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him... sigh... amazing...

BTW... the toilet thingy finally got put up. The towels are finally on it. The Dogs are at the "Red Woof Inn" safe with Ms. Peggy. The suit cases are packed. The Carry Ons are stuffed... & I am going to pretend to sleep until Terry gets here at 5 to take us to the airport.

Meanwhile, waking up on the other side of the planet are the most beautiful people we have ever seen, and at least one of them knows for sure, we are on our way to get him.

Jenn ~ for: The Smiths ~ Here and There...


marla said...

I love you all seven. Be safe and may God be your guide and strength.
Love, Mom

Amanda said...

Ok, this is take two on my comment! Stupid thing! I am so laughing with you guys and your choice of pre: journey activities!! I am so excited that when I wake up in the morning that you will only be one hour a head of me! LOve you!!

Ande and Paula Underwood said...

Mark and Jenn,

We are so glad that you have made it to Ukraine. It is as if a parting of the orphan sea is slowly taking place.

BTW, I dropped my wallet on Kreyshatik, can you reach over and pick it up for me? LOL!!!

Praying for you all,