Friendly faces !
This blog is dedicated totally to the amazing children of Ukraine and the beautiful people who are helping us here in the states and in UA to adopt. We have been in the process of adopting from UA for over two L...O...N...G... years but we are also sure of the providence of the God we serve. Join the journey with us! All are welcome here! "A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families." Psalm 68:5-6a,
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Can you hear me now?
January 31, 2008
Jenn and I set out today to make our first trip completely solo from apartment to the orphanage and back. We have done the return trip by ourselves, and from various other metro stops, but never the whole thing, from beginning to end. We made it with great success, and even got groceries for dinner. Independence is a good thing, and though we are no were near fluent, we can say a little here and there to get by to get somewhere we want to go. Capiche’
So we went by McDonalds today for a quick bite, since it is right at our metro stop, and we both enjoyed a chicken wrap. Mama, thought it would be nice to get each of our boys a hamburger so she pocketed those in her bag and we were off for our 2 line metro experience. We actually got to sit on the green line, lower traffic at around 2ish, and she got to sit on the red line. We got off and road the Marchuteka out to the orphanage, which he barely missed the stop before we had to say stop. It’s all good, just about 100 feet past where we usually walk from. So we make it there by 3:07pm and wait for signs of the children, who get out of school at around 3pm. Kevin is first today, which is the usual. He doesn’t know where John is, so I go outside with him down toward the soccer field, while Jenn waits inside for signs of him. Kevin asks for the camera, and I teach him about the video feature. Ahhhhhh the excitement, so a barrage of video and stills follow with friends and then with me and mama as she joins us. He doesn’t want to play soccer, so we just kinda talk and eventually eat his hamburger. John comes up about 35 min. into our visit and declines the hamburger. Ok, what kid do you know doesn’t like hamburger? That would be yours truly. I am a chicken eater, and have never been all that fond of hamburgers (although I do like Ukrainian hamburgers from Mc Donalds – not American ones, go figure). So we are kin, I have decided, this was the litmus test and he passed, so he will have less school work than Kevin when we get home. Just kidding. This is a running joke about lessons, how many will they have, they keep asking me.
The rest of the time was spent kicking the soccer ball around and snowball fights. I loved it! Finally some physical activity and I got to play too! It was good to hear, Papa, kick to me. Or Papa, here I kick to you. My skills were rusty, but they didn’t seem to care. Others joined us in at times, and it was a good time had by all. Even Mama kicked the ball a few times in between getting some good camera footage. We understood the boys had to be in by 4:45 so we left just prior to that. They wanted to know if we would be back tomorrow? Yes we will be here, we promise. So tomorrow we will follow through and visit again. We are hoping to take the boys out Saturday and Sunday for bowling and shopping.
Upon arriving home, the phone began to ring. The number was different, but when we answered it Low and behold it was John and Kevin. Kevin, again designated to do most of the talking, spoke for them both. We introduced Denis to them, and they asked all about who he was. Denis, you from Ukraine? You coming to America with us? Can Mama and Papa bring food tomorrow too? And drinks. We are cracking up. Kevin kept saying, listen, wait. Listen, wait. Haha Denis did a great job at being our voice as Lori laughed with us at what they were saying and interested in. It was so funny, but they were excited and loved to be able to talk to their Papa and Mama on the phone. 7 calls later, I was instructed to call back at 9 pm, when John answered and said Kevin went to bed (per Denis’ translation). So I told John I loved him and that we would see him tomorrow. He said he loved us and goodbye. Not a phone talker this one, at least at this point with limited English. After 7 calls I was ok with this, since we were repeating a lot of the same stuff per each call. But did we both love that our boys wanted to talk to us. Yes, Yes we did.
What an exciting day. You know, I had commented to Jenn about not having many English speakers to communicate with other than our friends. She says there are probably more around us than we think. So on our ride home tonight, God even addressed this by a Ukrainian historian, a kind man that noticed us and struck up a conversation. Insignificant, I think not! God is interested in our needs and desires. He hears our smallest requests, and works His plan into the intricate parts of our daily lives. That man was a blessing, a message to me that God is listening. So, Kevin’s continual plea, Schlushid “listen” and wait, is a message God wants us to hear. How about you? Are you listening to what He has to say to you? Are you waiting on the things He wants you to experience of Him today? I hope so, life is so much better when we do these two simple things.
We love you and you are in our prayers!
Good Night “Spakonie noche” from Ukraine
Papa Mark
Jenn and I set out today to make our first trip completely solo from apartment to the orphanage and back. We have done the return trip by ourselves, and from various other metro stops, but never the whole thing, from beginning to end. We made it with great success, and even got groceries for dinner. Independence is a good thing, and though we are no were near fluent, we can say a little here and there to get by to get somewhere we want to go. Capiche’
So we went by McDonalds today for a quick bite, since it is right at our metro stop, and we both enjoyed a chicken wrap. Mama, thought it would be nice to get each of our boys a hamburger so she pocketed those in her bag and we were off for our 2 line metro experience. We actually got to sit on the green line, lower traffic at around 2ish, and she got to sit on the red line. We got off and road the Marchuteka out to the orphanage, which he barely missed the stop before we had to say stop. It’s all good, just about 100 feet past where we usually walk from. So we make it there by 3:07pm and wait for signs of the children, who get out of school at around 3pm. Kevin is first today, which is the usual. He doesn’t know where John is, so I go outside with him down toward the soccer field, while Jenn waits inside for signs of him. Kevin asks for the camera, and I teach him about the video feature. Ahhhhhh the excitement, so a barrage of video and stills follow with friends and then with me and mama as she joins us. He doesn’t want to play soccer, so we just kinda talk and eventually eat his hamburger. John comes up about 35 min. into our visit and declines the hamburger. Ok, what kid do you know doesn’t like hamburger? That would be yours truly. I am a chicken eater, and have never been all that fond of hamburgers (although I do like Ukrainian hamburgers from Mc Donalds – not American ones, go figure). So we are kin, I have decided, this was the litmus test and he passed, so he will have less school work than Kevin when we get home. Just kidding. This is a running joke about lessons, how many will they have, they keep asking me.
The rest of the time was spent kicking the soccer ball around and snowball fights. I loved it! Finally some physical activity and I got to play too! It was good to hear, Papa, kick to me. Or Papa, here I kick to you. My skills were rusty, but they didn’t seem to care. Others joined us in at times, and it was a good time had by all. Even Mama kicked the ball a few times in between getting some good camera footage. We understood the boys had to be in by 4:45 so we left just prior to that. They wanted to know if we would be back tomorrow? Yes we will be here, we promise. So tomorrow we will follow through and visit again. We are hoping to take the boys out Saturday and Sunday for bowling and shopping.
Upon arriving home, the phone began to ring. The number was different, but when we answered it Low and behold it was John and Kevin. Kevin, again designated to do most of the talking, spoke for them both. We introduced Denis to them, and they asked all about who he was. Denis, you from Ukraine? You coming to America with us? Can Mama and Papa bring food tomorrow too? And drinks. We are cracking up. Kevin kept saying, listen, wait. Listen, wait. Haha Denis did a great job at being our voice as Lori laughed with us at what they were saying and interested in. It was so funny, but they were excited and loved to be able to talk to their Papa and Mama on the phone. 7 calls later, I was instructed to call back at 9 pm, when John answered and said Kevin went to bed (per Denis’ translation). So I told John I loved him and that we would see him tomorrow. He said he loved us and goodbye. Not a phone talker this one, at least at this point with limited English. After 7 calls I was ok with this, since we were repeating a lot of the same stuff per each call. But did we both love that our boys wanted to talk to us. Yes, Yes we did.
What an exciting day. You know, I had commented to Jenn about not having many English speakers to communicate with other than our friends. She says there are probably more around us than we think. So on our ride home tonight, God even addressed this by a Ukrainian historian, a kind man that noticed us and struck up a conversation. Insignificant, I think not! God is interested in our needs and desires. He hears our smallest requests, and works His plan into the intricate parts of our daily lives. That man was a blessing, a message to me that God is listening. So, Kevin’s continual plea, Schlushid “listen” and wait, is a message God wants us to hear. How about you? Are you listening to what He has to say to you? Are you waiting on the things He wants you to experience of Him today? I hope so, life is so much better when we do these two simple things.
We love you and you are in our prayers!
Good Night “Spakonie noche” from Ukraine
Papa Mark
…which means “Listen” in Russian… have we got an awesome day for you! Ok first of all we got to sleep in which was fantastic, and we got up and had coffee with Lori and hung out a while. Mark and I tackled our first totally solo trip today which by now you would think well I hope so! We had a good time walking together and talking. Mark was asking did I feel weird being some place I couldn’t understand the language and being alone. Honestly no I don’t. I think the time in the Philippines especially was good for my confidence level, once I go places a few times I get comfortable with landmarks and it doesn’t matter that I can’t read or talk. I just go. Mark’s experience in Africa was different so this is good for us both to have this time to learn together. We had a culture stress moment about which bus to take, we knew the numbers it was just a matter of “well why do you want to take that one?” Mark is one to ask good questions and understand why, I learned that sometimes life is like Algebra and you just do what you have to do to get the answer and don’t ask why. Ukraine is kind of Algebra for me right now, and I am just trying to get along smoothly with out incident and get out. I know none of you will believe that my personality lends itself to a more “in charge” nature, so it will shock you to pieces when you hear me say I just want to get my kids and get home with out ticking anyone off and slowing us down. This is a good goal for me. Which bus to take to the orphanage in that light is really not of any consequence to me, but because it matters to my honey it needs to matter to me too. For those who come behind, it is important to know that you will have times that communication seems easier than it has ever been and harder in some ways too. You need to love on each other and work together to make things work, what bugs you in general will hippopotamus you once you get here about each other and about stressful things in general. Just be ready for these times and be ready to take responsibility when you need to to smooth things out. End of marriage 101 for today!
We got to the orphanage and waited for the kids, Kevin came down first, he and Mark went out and I waited a few minutes for John. Then I decided John would find us, and went out so as not to miss time with Kevin too. We brought the boys each a cheeseburger from McDonalds, Kevin woofed his down. When John caught up with us we offered him his but he passed on it and gave it to a younger boy Yuri. We think this boy is precious too and you could just drown in his blue eyes. Precious kid. We hung out with Yuri and one of the Vova’s and walked around the school. We saw lots of cigarette butts out back of the dorms. A couple of pair of underwear (??????) and we observed how and where the boys jump the wall to get in and out so they do not get caught coming and going through the front gate if they are not suppose to leave. It was interesting to watch that happen and I wondered how many times ours have done it.
Mark and the boys played soccer, had a snow ball fight, and before you know it our visit was over and we had to leave. We said goodbye but as we left the gates Kevin called out, “We can call you on phone?” we said yes! Please call! So they waited till we got all the way home and I was cooking for Lori, Denis, Mark and I when they called. They asked, what are you doing? Denis told them for us that we were hanging out and I was cooking dinner. We talked a few more minutes and then suddenly Kevin says through Denis, we can smell dinner through the phone! Ya’ll they were so cute! Kevin kept saying “Listen” before he would say something, it was hysterical! He would confer with John and together they would decided what to say then Kevin would call out “Schlueshid!” Guys, as I type the kids have called 4 times since we got home. They want us to call them again soon. This is huge! They keep asking the same thing, they want that reassurance that we will call them back, that we are really going to come tomorrow and see them again, that we are really going to take them out this weekend. They asked for us to bring them something to eat and drink tomorrow which we will do, and they want for us to bring them something for John’s throat which is sore. He is afraid to get a fever. Kevin is John’s translator. This is a hoot in itself! They are really warming up, asking for little things they are needing, testing the waters, and finding out if we are going to keep our word to them.
We do the same thing with our Heavenly Father. Just like the kids keep calling their Papa, asking are you there still? What are you doing? Will you really come for us tomorrow? We want that same confirmation. We want that same affirmation and it is precious to Him. Until today, I haven’t realized the fullness of what it is like as a parent to have your child call and check in with you. I never understood how awesome it could feel to have your sons call on you and tell you they love you and want to communicate with you. God feels the same way about us, and more. He loves it when we call out to Him. He loves it when we try to tell Him how we are feeling and ask Him to meet our needs. We are showing Him our trust of Him and who He says He is. If you haven’t talked to God yet today I hope you do. I hope you will call on Him at 8:45 (call number 5) asking can we talk at 9? And call back to Him five minutes (call number 6) later asking “you will call at 9? Yes?” as if He could forget His promise to be there and be ready for you any time! Guys, this is so funny and so awesome and such a revelation at the same time. They will need like we need that constant reassurance we are going to be there for them.
We love you guys! We have an important appointment to keep so this is short for today! We will share more tomorrow but for now much lovin and encouragement to call your Dad today! He is more than happy to hear from you!
Mark and Jenn
We got to the orphanage and waited for the kids, Kevin came down first, he and Mark went out and I waited a few minutes for John. Then I decided John would find us, and went out so as not to miss time with Kevin too. We brought the boys each a cheeseburger from McDonalds, Kevin woofed his down. When John caught up with us we offered him his but he passed on it and gave it to a younger boy Yuri. We think this boy is precious too and you could just drown in his blue eyes. Precious kid. We hung out with Yuri and one of the Vova’s and walked around the school. We saw lots of cigarette butts out back of the dorms. A couple of pair of underwear (??????) and we observed how and where the boys jump the wall to get in and out so they do not get caught coming and going through the front gate if they are not suppose to leave. It was interesting to watch that happen and I wondered how many times ours have done it.
Mark and the boys played soccer, had a snow ball fight, and before you know it our visit was over and we had to leave. We said goodbye but as we left the gates Kevin called out, “We can call you on phone?” we said yes! Please call! So they waited till we got all the way home and I was cooking for Lori, Denis, Mark and I when they called. They asked, what are you doing? Denis told them for us that we were hanging out and I was cooking dinner. We talked a few more minutes and then suddenly Kevin says through Denis, we can smell dinner through the phone! Ya’ll they were so cute! Kevin kept saying “Listen” before he would say something, it was hysterical! He would confer with John and together they would decided what to say then Kevin would call out “Schlueshid!” Guys, as I type the kids have called 4 times since we got home. They want us to call them again soon. This is huge! They keep asking the same thing, they want that reassurance that we will call them back, that we are really going to come tomorrow and see them again, that we are really going to take them out this weekend. They asked for us to bring them something to eat and drink tomorrow which we will do, and they want for us to bring them something for John’s throat which is sore. He is afraid to get a fever. Kevin is John’s translator. This is a hoot in itself! They are really warming up, asking for little things they are needing, testing the waters, and finding out if we are going to keep our word to them.
We do the same thing with our Heavenly Father. Just like the kids keep calling their Papa, asking are you there still? What are you doing? Will you really come for us tomorrow? We want that same confirmation. We want that same affirmation and it is precious to Him. Until today, I haven’t realized the fullness of what it is like as a parent to have your child call and check in with you. I never understood how awesome it could feel to have your sons call on you and tell you they love you and want to communicate with you. God feels the same way about us, and more. He loves it when we call out to Him. He loves it when we try to tell Him how we are feeling and ask Him to meet our needs. We are showing Him our trust of Him and who He says He is. If you haven’t talked to God yet today I hope you do. I hope you will call on Him at 8:45 (call number 5) asking can we talk at 9? And call back to Him five minutes (call number 6) later asking “you will call at 9? Yes?” as if He could forget His promise to be there and be ready for you any time! Guys, this is so funny and so awesome and such a revelation at the same time. They will need like we need that constant reassurance we are going to be there for them.
We love you guys! We have an important appointment to keep so this is short for today! We will share more tomorrow but for now much lovin and encouragement to call your Dad today! He is more than happy to hear from you!
Mark and Jenn
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Change of plans...
"God is good all the time... all the time, God is good." (Andrea I am picking up your montra)
So today we got up and started to get ready for the day, Olya was up and offered to make us eggs and sausage (Kobasa) we had tea and shared some small talk about the cat and Lori and Denis, it was small talk because it was us with out a translator with Olya but it was awesome none the less. She is precious. Somehow in the conversation however it seemed as I admired her fingernails that she thought I should have mine done too. Now to be honest in my mind I was thinking pack for Zap, get to a meeting at 2 and try to see the boys before we catch a train. Finger nails were not on my list of things to do. But people being more important than my productivity I made myself check out of my American mind, and just receive this time with Olya and the gift that it was from her to me.
I have done nails for girls for Prom, nails for people who could not do them for themselves, and I like to serve others that way. I have not had someone else do my nails unless I have paid for it or unless I let a little kid do it for their own fun. As I sat in the tiny kitchen this morning and Olya went to work on my hands which I confess I thought looked awful with travel, and busted fingernails, (I know you guys are like whatever! but a chick is a chick and my thing is my nails)when she started filing and my hands were soaking in soapy water... I started slowing down. Slowing down for me is not always a good thing. Some of what happened yesterday started soaking in too and I was over come with the kindness Olya was showing to me, and the loss of Z. and the pressure of what the process still is yet to come. I started to cry. When Olya saw it she was like what is going on? (my translation) I only know the word for tomorrow in Russian so I started by explaining Tomorrow, Now, Yesterday, she got me. Then I explained Inspector in Zap, Dah, A&M, Neyt, Z. & she was clear on what had happened and looked as stricken as we feel. The Ukrainian answer to just about everything is tea and food. Since we had had breakfast she put on tea and wanted me to eat cookies. I declined the cookies but indulged in the second cup of tea while my nails dried and so did my eyes. Olya looked at me very strictly pointing her finger like Granny used to, and said, "Nieploch" (Jenn phonetic for) "Don't cry" Then she said, "I no,ummm" and made a motion indicating her heart breaks. I heard her to say, she can't see me cry because it breaks her heart. So, no more cry baby Jenn... at least not for now. Olya explained her Papa bought her her "tools" to do nails. They are really nice. I couldn't help but think how, God knew that the tools he gave Olya through her Dad would be so important as she connects with her niece Oksana weekly (I have seen this) and would be such a ministry to my broken spirit this morning. Dad's gifts are always for a reason aye? Some we don't think are a big deal until He uses us to bless someone else. The person we bless offers gratitude not only to us, but it is a glory to God too. I am so thankful for the way that God used Olya's act of kindness this morning to bless me and I praise Him for this which in turn blesses Him.
G. called and said, "a very funny thing has seems M's papers have been transferred to Novahnickoliveka (my spelling) but the local administration has not yet gotten any papers that say he has been received there yet. So, we will not be going to Zap today, and no meeting with Sveta, but we can go see the boys." So, Mark and I finished reorganizing our suitcases since they were out and pre fingernails we had started that party, and then Lori and he and I went downtown to change money and catch lunch before meeting G. to go out to Nievki to see the boys.
We got to the orphanage and David West's post about what it feels like to be in the darkness of the place came back to me. It was dark. The Soviet mentality of just a little light was pervasive today. We sat in the hallway as G. chatted with one of the guards. The boys it turns out were in gym class and not able to come visit. Then after we sit for an hour, G. finally catches the Director which we were under the impression had already been done, and she gives permission to allow us to go and watch them play. So we go to the fifth floor gym and watch Kevin play basketball, John sat out today. The gym is really small. the ceiling is low and they play ball off the walls to keep it in play as long as they can. When they were done we went back down stairs for our visit. They disappeared a while to change clothes. Kevin came back with his jacket on. Mark was proud :) Then we got to hang out a while. about an hour. We asked questions which Lori helped us with and the answers we got were telling of personalities. John when asked, what is your favorite color says, "I don't know, I like them all. What is your favorite color?" I tell him blue. What do you like to eat, "what ever you fix." What do you think you want to do? He shrugs, Lori, Mark and I were talking on the way home... He has no idea, because until this week, his options were technical school (if he could be placed and since his "neurological report" was not "super" they may not have placed him) or the street. Kevin on the other hand was quick to answer. He knew what color he liked, he likes black. He knows he likes candy. When John heard us ask him what his favorite color was, he told him, "tell her blue" he was eager to see me happy, but Kevin was like, no, I do like black. Kevin is more sure of himself in some ways for a younger kid. John is going to wrestle with learning it is ok to like what he likes and not have to be a people pleaser. We adore them both. They make everything better and we are so excited to be with them. We asked them what they think it will be like to be in a family. They were like, nice. What do you think a Papa's job is? Kevin says, "to do good work" John says, "I'll help Papa with his work" they wanted to know about school and about how many lessons a day they would have to have. Kevin was thrilled to hear they would get two weeks off when they got home before we start school officially. John was relieved to hear that school will start with English lessons at home first. "Good." he said. They wanted to know what jobs they would have at home, and what Job's M&A would have too. We have explained that Z is not going to come home now and that has brought about a mixed reaction. They look sad, and they also are a little anxious I think to see their situation resolved so that they feel sure this won't happen to them. We tried to tell them it is all good, but I think only time will calm those nerves down.
They had to go do a lesson, and said to wait for them. We did, and the Director came down and politely told us that it was best for us to just go on home. We smiled, received her word to us, and asked to tell the boys we were going. She smiled, told us she would have a teacher do that for us, and we were effectively dismissed. We left and road the bus and Mootro home. Poor Lori had her nose in this dude's armpit half the way and later she confirmed he smelled like a bottle of Vodka to boot. You will be thrilled to hear that tonight I did not even graze one person in the game of Bowling for Ukrainians on the Metro. I am rather proud of this. Celebrate with me please :)
Please pray with us that we will get to have the boys for an outing this weekend. We do not seem to curry the same favor as some of the families that have preceded us so we are not sure she will let us go out with them. But we really want to, and hope to. Especially since now we will travel to Zap on Sunday night for meetings on Monday/Tues. with inspectors and the Orphanage director at Novahnickoliveka. We are excited they are in one place, and thrilled to here the "local administration" is "friendly." We shall see! :) Also, cool news and answer to prayer, since they are in one place, only two court hearings. This is good. Also, another answer to prayer, it seems that for my stay in Zap I will be at the orphanage with the children. YOU KNOW I AM IN HEAVEN over this news no matter what happens once there, the conditions, none of it... I am so stoked to be able to experience life there with them. I am so thankful that God will allow me to be there and praying for the chance to love on some kids! I am going to ask for permission to make the big stink for Valentines Day, ya'll please pray for wisdom on how to do this, what to do, and a chance to say Jesus loves them in what ever way I can daily but especially on that day. It is a huge holiday for "young people" according to Denis. I would like to see the Father show His love for the kids through anything we can muster up to do special. Novahnickoliveka is a "special" orphanage for children with speech problems, and I saw pics once that indicated other special needs are there as well. I do not think I will have internet, in fact I doubt this seriously, so once Mark and I part company for a time and he comes home to Kiev to be with the boys, I will be off line save through him. I will however have my lap top so be on the look out for a novel when I get to post. :)
I am hopeful Lori will share her perspective of what she sees happening in a post in the future too. She is so awesome and has been such a wonderful blessing of an extra set of eyes and ears, not to mention hugs and kisses for the boys. They love her! Who doesn't?
Ok so recap for those who fell asleep, we are here till Sun. night and then down to Zap. Jan, I am still going to do all I can to get some time with the kids. Hang in there with me sister. We will pray and leave the results up to Him! DO NOT WORRY! Ya'll prayin folk ask the Lord to let me get to see the kids at Matv. too please!!Suzette, got V. a phone card today and was able to pass it to him quietly. I think it will last him a while we got him one for 50 grn. If he needs anything when we get back Mark can help him. :)
Thank you much for all your prayers and comments. Thank you to those who have gone to see our sweet boys at the Red Woof Inn. We are missing them and can't wait for the kids to get to meet them. Funny enough Kevin who is scared of dogs, thinks Pohlee should be his dog... we were thinking Rolly would be a much better choice, but it was really funny to hear him assign Pohlee to himself and Rolly to John. Betcha that changes fast!
Praying we get to visit again tomorrow. Will let you know when we do!
Peace out,
Jenn for the Smiths.
So today we got up and started to get ready for the day, Olya was up and offered to make us eggs and sausage (Kobasa) we had tea and shared some small talk about the cat and Lori and Denis, it was small talk because it was us with out a translator with Olya but it was awesome none the less. She is precious. Somehow in the conversation however it seemed as I admired her fingernails that she thought I should have mine done too. Now to be honest in my mind I was thinking pack for Zap, get to a meeting at 2 and try to see the boys before we catch a train. Finger nails were not on my list of things to do. But people being more important than my productivity I made myself check out of my American mind, and just receive this time with Olya and the gift that it was from her to me.
I have done nails for girls for Prom, nails for people who could not do them for themselves, and I like to serve others that way. I have not had someone else do my nails unless I have paid for it or unless I let a little kid do it for their own fun. As I sat in the tiny kitchen this morning and Olya went to work on my hands which I confess I thought looked awful with travel, and busted fingernails, (I know you guys are like whatever! but a chick is a chick and my thing is my nails)when she started filing and my hands were soaking in soapy water... I started slowing down. Slowing down for me is not always a good thing. Some of what happened yesterday started soaking in too and I was over come with the kindness Olya was showing to me, and the loss of Z. and the pressure of what the process still is yet to come. I started to cry. When Olya saw it she was like what is going on? (my translation) I only know the word for tomorrow in Russian so I started by explaining Tomorrow, Now, Yesterday, she got me. Then I explained Inspector in Zap, Dah, A&M, Neyt, Z. & she was clear on what had happened and looked as stricken as we feel. The Ukrainian answer to just about everything is tea and food. Since we had had breakfast she put on tea and wanted me to eat cookies. I declined the cookies but indulged in the second cup of tea while my nails dried and so did my eyes. Olya looked at me very strictly pointing her finger like Granny used to, and said, "Nieploch" (Jenn phonetic for) "Don't cry" Then she said, "I no,ummm" and made a motion indicating her heart breaks. I heard her to say, she can't see me cry because it breaks her heart. So, no more cry baby Jenn... at least not for now. Olya explained her Papa bought her her "tools" to do nails. They are really nice. I couldn't help but think how, God knew that the tools he gave Olya through her Dad would be so important as she connects with her niece Oksana weekly (I have seen this) and would be such a ministry to my broken spirit this morning. Dad's gifts are always for a reason aye? Some we don't think are a big deal until He uses us to bless someone else. The person we bless offers gratitude not only to us, but it is a glory to God too. I am so thankful for the way that God used Olya's act of kindness this morning to bless me and I praise Him for this which in turn blesses Him.
G. called and said, "a very funny thing has seems M's papers have been transferred to Novahnickoliveka (my spelling) but the local administration has not yet gotten any papers that say he has been received there yet. So, we will not be going to Zap today, and no meeting with Sveta, but we can go see the boys." So, Mark and I finished reorganizing our suitcases since they were out and pre fingernails we had started that party, and then Lori and he and I went downtown to change money and catch lunch before meeting G. to go out to Nievki to see the boys.
We got to the orphanage and David West's post about what it feels like to be in the darkness of the place came back to me. It was dark. The Soviet mentality of just a little light was pervasive today. We sat in the hallway as G. chatted with one of the guards. The boys it turns out were in gym class and not able to come visit. Then after we sit for an hour, G. finally catches the Director which we were under the impression had already been done, and she gives permission to allow us to go and watch them play. So we go to the fifth floor gym and watch Kevin play basketball, John sat out today. The gym is really small. the ceiling is low and they play ball off the walls to keep it in play as long as they can. When they were done we went back down stairs for our visit. They disappeared a while to change clothes. Kevin came back with his jacket on. Mark was proud :) Then we got to hang out a while. about an hour. We asked questions which Lori helped us with and the answers we got were telling of personalities. John when asked, what is your favorite color says, "I don't know, I like them all. What is your favorite color?" I tell him blue. What do you like to eat, "what ever you fix." What do you think you want to do? He shrugs, Lori, Mark and I were talking on the way home... He has no idea, because until this week, his options were technical school (if he could be placed and since his "neurological report" was not "super" they may not have placed him) or the street. Kevin on the other hand was quick to answer. He knew what color he liked, he likes black. He knows he likes candy. When John heard us ask him what his favorite color was, he told him, "tell her blue" he was eager to see me happy, but Kevin was like, no, I do like black. Kevin is more sure of himself in some ways for a younger kid. John is going to wrestle with learning it is ok to like what he likes and not have to be a people pleaser. We adore them both. They make everything better and we are so excited to be with them. We asked them what they think it will be like to be in a family. They were like, nice. What do you think a Papa's job is? Kevin says, "to do good work" John says, "I'll help Papa with his work" they wanted to know about school and about how many lessons a day they would have to have. Kevin was thrilled to hear they would get two weeks off when they got home before we start school officially. John was relieved to hear that school will start with English lessons at home first. "Good." he said. They wanted to know what jobs they would have at home, and what Job's M&A would have too. We have explained that Z is not going to come home now and that has brought about a mixed reaction. They look sad, and they also are a little anxious I think to see their situation resolved so that they feel sure this won't happen to them. We tried to tell them it is all good, but I think only time will calm those nerves down.
They had to go do a lesson, and said to wait for them. We did, and the Director came down and politely told us that it was best for us to just go on home. We smiled, received her word to us, and asked to tell the boys we were going. She smiled, told us she would have a teacher do that for us, and we were effectively dismissed. We left and road the bus and Mootro home. Poor Lori had her nose in this dude's armpit half the way and later she confirmed he smelled like a bottle of Vodka to boot. You will be thrilled to hear that tonight I did not even graze one person in the game of Bowling for Ukrainians on the Metro. I am rather proud of this. Celebrate with me please :)
Please pray with us that we will get to have the boys for an outing this weekend. We do not seem to curry the same favor as some of the families that have preceded us so we are not sure she will let us go out with them. But we really want to, and hope to. Especially since now we will travel to Zap on Sunday night for meetings on Monday/Tues. with inspectors and the Orphanage director at Novahnickoliveka. We are excited they are in one place, and thrilled to here the "local administration" is "friendly." We shall see! :) Also, cool news and answer to prayer, since they are in one place, only two court hearings. This is good. Also, another answer to prayer, it seems that for my stay in Zap I will be at the orphanage with the children. YOU KNOW I AM IN HEAVEN over this news no matter what happens once there, the conditions, none of it... I am so stoked to be able to experience life there with them. I am so thankful that God will allow me to be there and praying for the chance to love on some kids! I am going to ask for permission to make the big stink for Valentines Day, ya'll please pray for wisdom on how to do this, what to do, and a chance to say Jesus loves them in what ever way I can daily but especially on that day. It is a huge holiday for "young people" according to Denis. I would like to see the Father show His love for the kids through anything we can muster up to do special. Novahnickoliveka is a "special" orphanage for children with speech problems, and I saw pics once that indicated other special needs are there as well. I do not think I will have internet, in fact I doubt this seriously, so once Mark and I part company for a time and he comes home to Kiev to be with the boys, I will be off line save through him. I will however have my lap top so be on the look out for a novel when I get to post. :)
I am hopeful Lori will share her perspective of what she sees happening in a post in the future too. She is so awesome and has been such a wonderful blessing of an extra set of eyes and ears, not to mention hugs and kisses for the boys. They love her! Who doesn't?
Ok so recap for those who fell asleep, we are here till Sun. night and then down to Zap. Jan, I am still going to do all I can to get some time with the kids. Hang in there with me sister. We will pray and leave the results up to Him! DO NOT WORRY! Ya'll prayin folk ask the Lord to let me get to see the kids at Matv. too please!!Suzette, got V. a phone card today and was able to pass it to him quietly. I think it will last him a while we got him one for 50 grn. If he needs anything when we get back Mark can help him. :)
Thank you much for all your prayers and comments. Thank you to those who have gone to see our sweet boys at the Red Woof Inn. We are missing them and can't wait for the kids to get to meet them. Funny enough Kevin who is scared of dogs, thinks Pohlee should be his dog... we were thinking Rolly would be a much better choice, but it was really funny to hear him assign Pohlee to himself and Rolly to John. Betcha that changes fast!
Praying we get to visit again tomorrow. Will let you know when we do!
Peace out,
Jenn for the Smiths.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Even the Sparrows…
(Photo of Papa taken by John)
Ok so today started off rough. We got to the metro stop to meet G and he informed us that at this time we can’t adopt Z. He has only two siblings, one of whom is under guardianship someplace (we think adopted already) so that leaves the two boys, and the inspector does not want to separate them. We totally understand that. We totally agree with what we are hearing as a rational. It doesn’t however change the fact that we are devastated by the fact that we can’t bring home one of our sons. It took us the rest of the day to go get papers notarized and then drop them at the inspector’s office. Today was the first day that we have felt like we got kicked in the guts and our first day to feel like we wasted time in a big way. We ended up sitting in the notary’s office for a while waiting for her, she was a really nice lady and we enjoyed meeting her once we got in there. We left from there, went back to the inspector’s office by way of the market to get more candy and paper(whatever, and note, I’m not at liberty to really discuss my mood so just grab it with a grain of salt tonight) then stood waiting to drop off the paper and one copy of some thing they needed for their files.
Finally (note I am rushing through b/c I don’t want you to feel like you had to stand in line with us) we got to go out to Niveki to see the kids. We got to 21 went through the gates and waited with Valera in the hall till the boys were done with their studies. Kevin found us first. His smile was sunshine that started to melt the chill of this day out of our bones. We moved up into the hall, and shortly down the way came John. Huge grin on his face, and a big “hello” to us, it was just what we needed. G. had to leave to go back to the SDA and drop off a document so we flew solo with the kids. It was wonderful!
We hung out in the hall way and played with a deck of alphabet cards. Suzette, V. came by and hung out showing off his awesome skills at reading through all the cards in the deck A-Z… amazing! He left after a while and John really started trying with Kevin. Kevin was loving the game and we played with those cards an hour which surprised me and thrilled us both. We gave the boys each a jacket thing that I had picked up, and it was good they both liked them, and said thank you. They fit! Score Mom! Thank God! They each got a game to play with and a disposable camera (thank you Nanny) to take pics of things they want to remember with. We have several for each of he kids so they can really get good pictures of whatever they want to try to hold on to and make into books later. They got new toothbrushes, not something that was a thrill, but something that was necessary! Most of all we all got time together. John took Mark outside and they entertained themselves with the digital camera while Kevin and I finished our alphabet game. At the end, he looks up at me and he goes,
“hmmm… hmmmm… ummmm Mom!”(super loud on Mom) like he wants to make sure I am really focused on him… “Mom… I go” and he is pointing up… then he goes “America, I go” pointing up… I was lost about the pointing up part at first then he starts flapping his arms… “Oh!!! You want to know when we are going to America!?” “Yes!” about that time Mark and John were coming back in and Valera told them maybe March. So they were very happy and I was thrilled. Why? Kevin is getting very comfortable calling me Mom, and he really tried his English. It was wonderful.
Valera let both boys walk us not only out, but to the bus stop. When the four of us got outside the gate and realized we were alone we just all looked at each other. It was the best feeling. We gave the boys some money for John’s cell phone and when I gave money to Kevin (since the phone is John’s) John says, “for food for you” and it was so funny he was picking at his brother and it was really sweet. They asked questions about when we will come back, they are nervous because this is different and we are going to be back and forth between here and Zap. I know this is hard for them because it is not what they have seen. They are doing great though. I am really proud of them. Mark and I could not ask for two boys who were more willing to be flexible and try to understand the circumstances. They are so good ya’ll.
Kevin was asking about his brothers and sister in Zap. Please pray for them it was hard to explain that one of their brothers is not going to come home now. You could see the concern on John’s face, and Kevin was disappointed too. I also am fearful they are worried that something could happen to mess them up. Please just pray that we will all be able to get on the same page and in the same place soon. If we can get a quick court date in Zap that would help a lot.
We leave tomorrow night to go down. Mark and I are going with G. down, then Nina will meet us and Yana I will be our new translator for a while. G. will go back and forth to Kiev to get papers filed. Nina will either get me an apartment or there is another option which they may choose to house me at the orphanage where A is staying. They are still working out details and will make a choice after we get down there which will be better for them in getting me where they need me to be with the kids. M is at #3 in the city and A is at another place outside the city. Mark will stay with me through the weekend and then likely he will come back to Kiev so that he can keep up visits with John & Kevin.
I have to tell you, as bad as this day felt, there were God moments along the way to let us know He is with us. He will be with Z. and ultimately Z is now and forever will be God’s first and not ours. As we waited for the bus I watched a group of pigeons and sparrows try to pick apart a crust of bread. I heard my Dad paraphrasing my Father play over in my head as I watched them feeding, “Not a single sparrow falls that He doesn’t know about, and if He cares for them, how much more does He care for you? It is going to be ok Jenn.” Thanks Dad… I love you and needed that memory today. & as ever… Thank you to our Father who sustains and provides and walks with and before us on this journey.
With much love…
Jenn for The Smith Family.
Monday, January 28, 2008
A Day to Remember
January 28, 2008
Our day began earlier than most of other days, as we had to meet G on the blue line @ 9:15am. It was a very cold morning here, and every direction we walked in it seemed the bitter cold/snow was in our face. It had snowed 2-3 inches in the night, so everything had its white blanket on, except the main thoroughfare. We began by heading back to the inspector’s office, to get paperwork to be able to visit the boy’s director, and then the boys.
It was a short visit in the waiting room of the Inspector, just receiving papers, and then we were off to Orphanage 21. The director was glad we came when we did, saying we were just in time to meet with her. She immediately served us tea, cheese, pastries and chocolate. We began the meeting at 11am and finished at 2:45pm. In that frame of time, we met with the Director, one on one, and we met with the Doctor of the orphanage, and the Director, and G and the Director and Assistant director prepared many documents and stamped them. They gave us good information about the boys and their background. The director encouraged us and gave us a lot of wisdom on how to raise up good boys. She said both boys are good boys, and should not give us much trouble. She really favored John, and said he was a friend of hers. At about the half way point, she called in the boys and had them sign that they consented to us coming to adopt them. We took pictures and it was a pretty amazing memory. She did not try and talk them out of it in front of us. The director seemed genuinely happy for John and Kevin, and her assistant was a big help in directing them to sign, and write other necessary information. At 3pm we led down to the teacher’s lounge (where we had met on our last visit with Reaching Orphans with Hope), where we spent the next hour and a half looking through the life book Jenn created, and asking and answering questions. It was awesome! We got to see a little more of their personalities. John Benjamin is going to make a great big brother. It is more and more evident every time we are around him. G helped facilitate some questions that we had for them, and we got even more information from the boys about their past. It was a lot of fun to joke around with Kevin intermingled throughout our time with the boys. His attention is a little more easily diverted I will say, and is not the sit up straight and pay attention in rigid form type of kid. John Benjamin seems to be more serious when he knows its expected of him, while Kevin is checking out the differences of the pen clicks and looking to see what Lori is taking a picture of. He is more the ham of the 2 at this point. We took more photographs together, and let them know we would be back tomorrow. We promised that this was not like the last time we saw them, and that we would be back the next day.
Soon thereafter, it was big hugs, and the oldest taking pride in being able to walk us out to the gate. He did stop to pick up some snow, and I think he was thinking about throwing it at me, but decided against that bravery just yet. Haha … can’t wait for some wrestling and snow ball fights … but all in good time. God is so good. Today was really wonderful. I did catch myself thinking about the challenge of the language barrier, and got a little anxious about the first time there would be no one to be our voice to each other. Again, we are planning on doing some good set-up for that time, but I admit I am still nervous about not being able to communicate freely. We have really relied on Lori and G (which is to be expected since we know very little Russian), and I know we can communicate in other ways … just not as always as direct as one would like. So, that is my abbreviate version.
Thank you all so much for praying!!! It went so well today, and it was exactly what we needed. On that note I will share a prayer concern that we found out in the midst of our day today. We got word that the only way we will be able to get Z is to get signed consent from his older brother that he is abandoning the right to be adopted and allowing Z to be adopted. We will more than likely have to be the ones to ask him this. Can you imagine that conversation. Basically, we will be asking this older brother to give up what could be his only offer to be adopted (except we are not really offering that to him) and give his OK for his younger brother to go to America. It is a very selfless act. God is going to have to work a miracle, were the words from the mouth of G. So, God, I am asking for a miracle, for you to move on the behalf of Z if this is Your will. Only time will tell how this will turn out.
Blessings to you all faithful prayer warriors. Until next time! Paka
Until He is known,
Papa Mark
Our day began earlier than most of other days, as we had to meet G on the blue line @ 9:15am. It was a very cold morning here, and every direction we walked in it seemed the bitter cold/snow was in our face. It had snowed 2-3 inches in the night, so everything had its white blanket on, except the main thoroughfare. We began by heading back to the inspector’s office, to get paperwork to be able to visit the boy’s director, and then the boys.
It was a short visit in the waiting room of the Inspector, just receiving papers, and then we were off to Orphanage 21. The director was glad we came when we did, saying we were just in time to meet with her. She immediately served us tea, cheese, pastries and chocolate. We began the meeting at 11am and finished at 2:45pm. In that frame of time, we met with the Director, one on one, and we met with the Doctor of the orphanage, and the Director, and G and the Director and Assistant director prepared many documents and stamped them. They gave us good information about the boys and their background. The director encouraged us and gave us a lot of wisdom on how to raise up good boys. She said both boys are good boys, and should not give us much trouble. She really favored John, and said he was a friend of hers. At about the half way point, she called in the boys and had them sign that they consented to us coming to adopt them. We took pictures and it was a pretty amazing memory. She did not try and talk them out of it in front of us. The director seemed genuinely happy for John and Kevin, and her assistant was a big help in directing them to sign, and write other necessary information. At 3pm we led down to the teacher’s lounge (where we had met on our last visit with Reaching Orphans with Hope), where we spent the next hour and a half looking through the life book Jenn created, and asking and answering questions. It was awesome! We got to see a little more of their personalities. John Benjamin is going to make a great big brother. It is more and more evident every time we are around him. G helped facilitate some questions that we had for them, and we got even more information from the boys about their past. It was a lot of fun to joke around with Kevin intermingled throughout our time with the boys. His attention is a little more easily diverted I will say, and is not the sit up straight and pay attention in rigid form type of kid. John Benjamin seems to be more serious when he knows its expected of him, while Kevin is checking out the differences of the pen clicks and looking to see what Lori is taking a picture of. He is more the ham of the 2 at this point. We took more photographs together, and let them know we would be back tomorrow. We promised that this was not like the last time we saw them, and that we would be back the next day.
Soon thereafter, it was big hugs, and the oldest taking pride in being able to walk us out to the gate. He did stop to pick up some snow, and I think he was thinking about throwing it at me, but decided against that bravery just yet. Haha … can’t wait for some wrestling and snow ball fights … but all in good time. God is so good. Today was really wonderful. I did catch myself thinking about the challenge of the language barrier, and got a little anxious about the first time there would be no one to be our voice to each other. Again, we are planning on doing some good set-up for that time, but I admit I am still nervous about not being able to communicate freely. We have really relied on Lori and G (which is to be expected since we know very little Russian), and I know we can communicate in other ways … just not as always as direct as one would like. So, that is my abbreviate version.
Thank you all so much for praying!!! It went so well today, and it was exactly what we needed. On that note I will share a prayer concern that we found out in the midst of our day today. We got word that the only way we will be able to get Z is to get signed consent from his older brother that he is abandoning the right to be adopted and allowing Z to be adopted. We will more than likely have to be the ones to ask him this. Can you imagine that conversation. Basically, we will be asking this older brother to give up what could be his only offer to be adopted (except we are not really offering that to him) and give his OK for his younger brother to go to America. It is a very selfless act. God is going to have to work a miracle, were the words from the mouth of G. So, God, I am asking for a miracle, for you to move on the behalf of Z if this is Your will. Only time will tell how this will turn out.
Blessings to you all faithful prayer warriors. Until next time! Paka
Until He is known,
Papa Mark
Sign Here
Can you put yourself in the shoes of a nearly 15 year old boy and a nearly 13 year old boy for just a moment? After a two hour meeting with the Director and the Dr. at 21 in came John and Kevin. John was dressed in a suit coat and tie, and Kevin in his fleece jacket. The director sat them down across from her and they had to write out a paper that said basically they wanted the strangers sitting behind them on the couch to be their parents. They gave all they know of themselves to all they know of us, and signed a paper that says they are ready to belong to our family. All I can say is these kids are brave.
Our meeting with the Director was fruitful. We heard a lot about the kids that we will be ruminating on and am sure that we will find some of the information very helpful in the future. Some of the information as a Mama I took with a grain of salt and look forward to seeing God work the details out in. For the most part, I was just happy to be with the boys. Happy to see them, to wink at them, to hug them, to reassure them that we are moving forward and we really are here and we are really going to take them home with us as soon as the courts tell us what our hearts confirm each time we think about them.
Today we got to hear a little more about their lives from their point of view. Kevin really doesn’t seem to remember much that is concrete about his life. He is trying hard to piece things together but you can see there are big gaps. John’s picture is clearer to him, although there are some things he did not know for sure but honestly said, this is what I have been told, but I don’t remember for sure about some of this. The experiences he does recall make it clear to us that he has been abandon on more than one occasion, each time he thinks someone is really going to be there for him and keep him something happens and he ends up back in an orphanage.
I was happy when we got there to see two familiar faces out side shoveling snow. Pictures will be posted. Parents will be pleased. I am thankful we got to see them even though we did not really get to talk. I think that perhaps there is a movement afoot right now to keep us in a private space with our boys, and not mix us with the other kids. There was mention that this stirs things up and it is too difficult to have a quite talk. Not sure but will keep trying to get in there and interact with the other kids too. Maybe that was just a today thing? I was good with it to a degree though because we really did need a space to just be with them and listen and love on them. Leaving today was a bummer because we wanted to just stay and spend time with the kids. We had to scoot b/c G. was going to try to get papers to a notary. Turns out that the notary was closed already so he will go tomorrow and then we will meet him at 11 and sign some papers and then we get to see the kids again at 3. I think we will get to speak to S. tomorrow for a meeting. We are thankful for this she has been super busy with her Mom and while we love G. and are thankful for all his hard work, we miss our S. too!
There was a lot that happened today that we are just thankful for… you could see the boys personalities emerge more, take for example the “family picture” where Kevin could not wait to put his hand up over John’s head and John looking so serious in the picture has no idea till later that his brother was fooling around. However as any great big brother would, he put it to Kevin earlier when they saw the pictures of Rolly Pohlee and when I said they like kids, they will love you boys, John, knowing Kevin is afraid of dogs, says, “Yes like Sausage,” then looks to see Kevin’s reaction! What a slick move! Kevin just leaned on John like it doesn’t matter you will take care of me. And I think he will. It was really just a great day ya’ll. Thank you for praying with us and for us.
We love you!
Our meeting with the Director was fruitful. We heard a lot about the kids that we will be ruminating on and am sure that we will find some of the information very helpful in the future. Some of the information as a Mama I took with a grain of salt and look forward to seeing God work the details out in. For the most part, I was just happy to be with the boys. Happy to see them, to wink at them, to hug them, to reassure them that we are moving forward and we really are here and we are really going to take them home with us as soon as the courts tell us what our hearts confirm each time we think about them.
Today we got to hear a little more about their lives from their point of view. Kevin really doesn’t seem to remember much that is concrete about his life. He is trying hard to piece things together but you can see there are big gaps. John’s picture is clearer to him, although there are some things he did not know for sure but honestly said, this is what I have been told, but I don’t remember for sure about some of this. The experiences he does recall make it clear to us that he has been abandon on more than one occasion, each time he thinks someone is really going to be there for him and keep him something happens and he ends up back in an orphanage.
I was happy when we got there to see two familiar faces out side shoveling snow. Pictures will be posted. Parents will be pleased. I am thankful we got to see them even though we did not really get to talk. I think that perhaps there is a movement afoot right now to keep us in a private space with our boys, and not mix us with the other kids. There was mention that this stirs things up and it is too difficult to have a quite talk. Not sure but will keep trying to get in there and interact with the other kids too. Maybe that was just a today thing? I was good with it to a degree though because we really did need a space to just be with them and listen and love on them. Leaving today was a bummer because we wanted to just stay and spend time with the kids. We had to scoot b/c G. was going to try to get papers to a notary. Turns out that the notary was closed already so he will go tomorrow and then we will meet him at 11 and sign some papers and then we get to see the kids again at 3. I think we will get to speak to S. tomorrow for a meeting. We are thankful for this she has been super busy with her Mom and while we love G. and are thankful for all his hard work, we miss our S. too!
There was a lot that happened today that we are just thankful for… you could see the boys personalities emerge more, take for example the “family picture” where Kevin could not wait to put his hand up over John’s head and John looking so serious in the picture has no idea till later that his brother was fooling around. However as any great big brother would, he put it to Kevin earlier when they saw the pictures of Rolly Pohlee and when I said they like kids, they will love you boys, John, knowing Kevin is afraid of dogs, says, “Yes like Sausage,” then looks to see Kevin’s reaction! What a slick move! Kevin just leaned on John like it doesn’t matter you will take care of me. And I think he will. It was really just a great day ya’ll. Thank you for praying with us and for us.
We love you!
This is the day that the Lord has made!
This was a good day posts to follow, but wanted to share some pics first!
Mark and Jenn
John & Kevin
Some faces that you might be missing.
We were greeted today by these smiling faces and thought you might want to see them too!
With love from them to you...