Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday afternoon...

So here is how my day went...

I got up. I worked on some notes to you that I thought you should have. The kids came in and out and generally were kids.

Kevin tried on the B word again for fun calling Max one. (not in English in Russian although Anna begs nightly for me to tell her the English equivalent "I just want to know how to say it Mom." Um nope... ) I told him mayonaise and bread do not taste good with soap... he said he was sorry and that was that. At least today it was Max and not me, and he didn't hurl a Banana again... we are making progress... it is the little things I rejoice over :) This morning it is funny yesterday I have to say it wasn't really all that hilarious... Maybe tomorrow Max will think it was funny too... hummmm

Went to try to go to Darnitsa for the movies. Got on street. John says, Mom this bus goes to Darnitsa too. I am an idiot. I listen. We found out it did not go to Darnitsa. It let us off some where... and we walked till we found our way back to the main street and got on 45. the kids cussing at John the whole way. I told them he didnt know I didn't know so let it go. They eventually did.

Got some Movies in Russian, oranges, and some muffin thingies... the guys face when I tried to explain that I wanted to buy some movies and I stoped using my minimal Russian in favor of a "dude meet me half way here and you might have to go more than half way cause I don't read or speak your language but I have some money to spend" look got a priceless look from him. He helped and he had a lot of stuff I was hunting. I saw "Youve Got Mail" in Russian... I was tempted. But I like the English version and it is one of our favorites to watch together so I decided I don't want to add anyone else to that right now. Selfish... yep, and that one point is not changing today.

The kids are playing outside. Lori is going to come have coffee later. I am going to finish a book someone left here and I am thankful they did. They have really helped me to just "go some place else" and escape temporarily when I needed a break. Usually around 1am... LOL Whomever left them, and the Everybody Loves Raymond Discs... You rock. Thanks.

Today is my last Sunday in Ukraine. & I am ok with that. When I wake up next Sunday Morning, barring some catastrophy, I am glad it will be in my own bed, in our own house, with our own kids and dogs. I am ready for that... ok kinda... :) but mostly ;)

Holding on to Him...


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