As promised… I am doing nothing major today… I am however for your morning entertainment sharing this bit of information.
Last night, after all hanging out and watching Spiderman 2, the boys went into their room. Kevin proclaimed, "Mom, Mama!!! Vwee ee Nastya speat, ee yah ee Maxim ee John America." - Mom Mama, you and Anna sleep, and I and Maxim and John (pointing to their back packs) will pack for America. Underscore my interpretation. Ahhh yes, a Texas wind is blowing. Or could that be The Holy Spirit on behalf of God answering all your prayers? I gather the later.
It is cold here and over cast today. I am going to take advantage of the semi quiet moment I have and start to organize my jazz for this trek back across the planet. I do so with a thankful heart.
I leave each of you with this a snippet of a PRECIOUS email from my MS. Sister Jan… The truth will set you free… I suggest take out tonight, and I think in fact we will walk down the street and find some ~ it ain't Papa Johns or Dominos… but it will work till I get home in THREE DAYS… clock is ticking Mark, can't wait to be with you Babe.
… from Jan:
O.K. so I made a list for you of the things that satan hit me with when I came home with Jon. Lies that made me feel like a worthless mom. I really struggled for about two years that I wasn't being the perfect mom like God wanted. When God brought me out of it I promised to tell every new mom I know so here goes...
1. If you have dirty laundry you should get up and the crack of dawn and work like a slave to get it done cause good moms don't have dirty laundry.
LIE: Good moms have dirty laundry because good moms prioritize that being with children is more important than have a tidy laundry room. Besides a few dryer sheets and a damp cloth will freshen up any garment, well except three day old socks - just burn those and buy new because they are cheap!
2. If your house needs dusting you aren't a good mom because a good mom keeps a clean house.
LIE: Dust is your friend. Think of all the wonderful stuff you can do with dust: write messages to each other, practice writing English letters, test for allergies, collect enough to form clay, eventually plant things in it when it is thick enough. Remember having a dusty house never killed a child, but not spending time together will kill a relationship.
3. Take out pizza is not a good food. Good moms cook good meals every night and always are stocked up on groceries.
LIE: Pizza has every food group and is tasty too. Sometimes you need the time you would spend in the kitchen to talk to that other adult living in the house with you, I think they call him dad. Remember Jesus himself said that it is not what you put in your mouth that corrupts you, hence He gave permission to order pizza! Order a pizza, put a quilt in the living room floor, spread out for a pizza picnic - they will love it and you will remember it more than all the hours you spend in the kitchen.
satan will try to convince you that there are things that you need to be doing to be a good mom. Give yourself a break - don't judge yourself, just seek GOD and hang in there. O.K. so I made a list for you of the things that satan hit me with when I came home with Jon. Lies that made me feel like a worthless mom. I really struggled for about two years that I wasn't being the perfect mom like God wanted. When God brought me out of it I promised to tell every new mom I know so here goes...
1. If you have dirty laundry you should get up and the crack of dawn and work like a slave to get it done cause good moms don't have dirty laundry.
LIE: Good moms have dirty laundry because good moms priortize that being with children is more important than have a tidy laundry room. Besides a few dryer sheets and a damp cloth will freshen up any garment, well except three day old socks - just burn those and buy new because they are cheap!
2. If your house needs dusting you aren't a good mom because a good mom keeps a clean house.
LIE: Dust is your friend. Think of all the wonderful stuff you can do with dust: write messages to each other, practice writing English letters, test for allergies, collect enough to form clay, eventually plant things in it when it is thick enough. Remember having a dusty house never killed a child, but not spending time together will kill a relationship.
3. Take out pizza is not a good food. Good moms cook good meals every night and always are stocked up on groceries.
LIE: Pizza has every food group and is tasty too. Sometimes you need the time you would spend in the kitchen to talk to that other adult living in the house with you, I think they call him dad. Remember Jesus himself said that it is not what you put in your mouth that corrupts you, hence He gave permission to order pizza! Order a pizza, put a quilt in the living room floor, spread out for a pizza picnic - they will love it and you will remember it more than all the hours you spend in the kitchen.
satan will try to convince you that there are things that you need to be doing to be a good mom. GIve yourself a break - don't judge yourself, just seek GOD and hang in there.
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