Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Here & There


We are very sincerely thankful for each of you and your families. We have laughed and cried with you, learned with you, and are growing in His grace with each of you daily especially where our children and families are concerned. It is not easy to be at a distance from the family we connected with through Reach Orphans with Hope you are each part of the web God used to weave our family together. Each of you representing a strand in that web, that while delicate from the outside, and the picture of a beautifully constructed community, is also strong and able to weather each adversity in Christ. We are thankful for your encouragement through out the year. We are thankful for your friendship and for the time that you invest in our growing family and in each others. We watch you as a body of believers and friends from a distance and we are so excited with you for each triumph and joy your families experience. We pray for  you, pray for Reach Orphans with Hope, pray for your children and those yet to make it home. We join you in prayer for those especially who have no place to call home even still.

We love you guys and look forward to all the amazing things the Father will do in 2008 to show His glory to each of us. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your families. You are all a part of ours.


The Smiths ~ Here and There.


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